Is Lemp Mansion Haunted?

Lemp Mansion

Generations of family tragedy haunt reportedly this historic St. Louis mansion-turned-inn

Paranormal Reports at
Lemp Mansion

  • Phantom footsteps have been heard
  • Ghostly moans have been heard
  • Glasses in the bar have been seen flying off of shelves
  • A ghost in one of the bathrooms is said to like peering over stall walls
  • Guests in one room report ghosts kicking the door
  • Doors are said to open and close by themselves
  • Shadow figures have been seen on the main staircase
  • Sounds of phantom horses have been heard outside around the mansion
  • Lights will be flipped on and off without known cause
  • Disembodied voices are commonly reported

Lemp Mansion’s Haunted History

In the area around Demenil Place in St. Louis, Missouri, the name ‘Lemp’ looms large. From nearby Lemp Street to Lemp’s Grand Hall, to the historic Lemp Brewery, the whole neighborhood seems dedicated to that one name.

But perhaps no monument to the locally prominent family stands out quite as much as the stately manor on Demenil: Lemp Mansion.

Disembodied voices and footsteps are a frequent occurrence in the Lemp Familys haunted mansion in Missouri

Now a restaurant and inn, Lemp Mansion spent many years as the home of a powerful and influential family in St. Louis.

And, local lore has it that the Lemp family’s ghosts still haunt the halls of their expansive mansion. Are you ready book the most haunted room in Lemp mansion?

Timeline of Lemp Mansion's History

Swipe or use timeline points to see Lemp Mansion through the years

When visiting St Louis, Missouri the name Lemp is impossible to escape


Through the mid-1800s, the Lemp family became well-known in the brewery world of St. Louis. German immigrant Adam Lemp made a name for himself brewing beer in the city. By the time he died in 1862, he left his family a fortune. His son, William, expanded the family business into a booming brewery empire, consuming whole city blocks.

It wasn’t long until William Lemp sought out an estate to show off his wealth. He bought what would become Lemp Mansion in 1876, from Jacob Feickert, who had built it in 1868.

Lemp Mansion offers a number of haunted tours to curious visitors, from ghost hunting to story base and overnight investigations on request


William expanded Lemp Mansion after he bought it, turning it into a 33-room home and brewery office. He even took to integrating an underground tunnel from the house over to the nearby Lemp Brewery. Throughout the late-1800s, the Lemp family continued to see business and personal success. By the 1890s, Lemp had become a nationally known brewery brand. But, good times were not to last.

Following the death of one of his sons, William Lemp committed suicide in 1904. This started what would be the first of many Lemp family tragedies.

The Lemp Mansion is now an active hotel and restaurant, with modern amenities


After William Lemp’s death, his son William Lemp Jr. took over the brewery business. But all was not well for William Jr. either. He and his wife, Lillian, had a notably unhappy marriage. By the time William inherited the business, the marriage was failing. The two went through a bitter divorce in 1908.

A few years later, William converted Lemp Mansion fully into brewery offices, likely no longer needing all that space for a home. For another decade, Lemp Brewery hummed along. But, a dark specter was looming on the horizon.

The Lemp family made a name for itself through the brewing industry


By 1919, the reality of Prohibition was unavoidable. For a family in beer brewing, this spelled disaster. The Lemp Brewery closed for good in the face of the alcohol ban, and the Lemp family reeled from the losses. Elsa Lemp, William Jr.’s sister, committed suicide in 1920.

And just two years later, William Jr. did the same, shortly after selling off his family’s massive brewery building. The family’s fortunes never truly recovered after that. William Jr.’s brother, Charles, would also go on to commit suicide.

Rumors at this Missouri haunted mansion point to one of the ghosts on the property being that of a man killed in a 1953 brawl


In 1970, the last Lemp brother, Edwin, died of natural causes at age 90. By then, the family mansion had been long since left to disrepair and the passage of time. It seemed as though the historic house would soon go the way of the rest of the Lemp family. But, in 1973, Dick Pointer bought the home and developed it into a restaurant and inn.

The home has remained a popular eatery and inn ever since. But, many visitors claim the specters of the Lemps still make themselves known through their many hauntings.

The Lemp Mansion is haunted not only by the tragedies of its past, but the ghosts of its former owners

Is Lemp Mansion Haunted?

Tales of ghostly happenings around Lemp Mansion stem back for decades. In the mid-1900s, the mansion served as a boarding house. Apparently, it was tough to find tenants for the home at times, due to its reputation for disruptive hauntings. At the time, ghostly knocks, phantom footsteps, and strange feelings of being watched were commonly reported.

Even during the home’s renovation in the 1970s, workers reported similar occurrences. They also noted tools mysteriously disappearing, and even apparitions lingering in the Lemp’s haunted mansion.

Investigations claim to have captured EVPs throughout the haunted Lemp Mansion, and hotel guests have been awoken from slumber by ghostly activity

Voices & Figures in the Mansion

To this day, Lemp Mansion is a well-known haunted hotspot around St. Louis. Workers at the home today have reportedly heard disembodied voices in the corridors. Apparitions are also still said to be a common sight in almost every area of the mansion.

Workers have further reported lights around the mansion turning on and off by themselves, as well as doors in the house locking by themselves. In the mansion’s bar, workers have claimed to see glasses fly off of shelves and shatter on the ground.

Peeping Phantoms & Haunting Horses

In the downstairs women’s bathroom, visitors have sometimes reported the presence of a peeping apparition. This ghostly figure is said to peer over the walls of bathroom stalls.

As this was once the area of one of William Jr.’s favorite spaces in the home, many figure this is his curious spirit lingering in the bathroom.

Even rumors about a spectral horse drawn carriage abound at the Lemp Mansion

Other strange things have been reported just outside the mansion. In at least one instance, a tour guide heard the sound of a team of horses arriving at the house. But, when they glanced outside to see what all the noise was about, there were no horses around to be seen.

Curiously, the area had once been a gathering area for the property’s horses, though it is now a parking lot for the restaurant.

Shadow figures are reported to be commonly spotted near the mansion's main stair

Ghosts Visit Guests at Lemp Mansion

Plenty of overnight guests have reported ghostly encounters during their stays. Often, people will report these encounters in the middle of the night while they are sleeping. Guests have been awoken in the night by the sounds of people walking around their beds. Others have heard ghostly moans in their darkened rooms at night.

In the old room of William Lemp, Sr., guests have claimed to hear sounds of footsteps running upstairs to their room, followed by a loud kick on their door. But, when checked, the hallway outside the room is always empty.

Visitors to the haunted Lemp Mansion have reported phantom footsteps racing up the stairs

Spirits on the Staircase

Along with phantom footsteps running up and down, the Lemp Mansion staircase is said to be a hotbed of other spooky activity. The mansion’s staircase is also known for its shadowy apparitions.

One of the most commonly spotted staircase spirits is a mysterious ‘lady in white.’ She is named due to the white, misty appearance her figure is often said to take. During some Lemp mansion haunted tours, visitors have tried to capture images of this supposed ‘lady in white.’

No one has succeeded…yet.

Haunting Good Times at Lemp Mansion

Today, the haunted tavern at Lemp Mansion always makes sure to take time for their ghost stories. Along with a busy restaurant and inn schedule, they offer haunted tours such as a ‘spirits tour,’ and what’s known as the ‘Lemp Experience,’ ghost hunting tour throughout the year.

And of course, the Lemp Mansion haunted hotel is always booking rooms to those out there who want to spend the night alongside spirits.

The Lemp Mansion Restaurant has a reputation for being haunted as well, with dishes and glasses flying off of shelves as if moved by unseen hands

So, if you’ve ever wanted a historically haunted overnight experience, you might find your perfect little getaway at Lemp Mansion.

Just don’t be too spooked if you spot an apparition on the staircase or hear a specter sauntering through your room in the night. It seems the Lemp family is always brewing something spooky in their old mansion.