O.K. Corral
The site of the Wild West’s most famous gunfight may still harbor ghosts from the bloody event
Paranormal Claims at
O.K. Corral
- The apparition of Jim Burnett has been spotted
- Phantom horse riders have been heard in the distance
- Unexplained cold spots have been encountered
- Unknown shadow figures are seen in the area
Cowboys & Lawmen:
History of O.K. Corral
There are few places in the United States that are more ‘Wild West’ than Tombstone, Arizona. Outlaws and gunslingers descended upon the boomtown in the late-1800s, leading to one of the most significant events of America’s Wild West era: the gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
The bloody showdown between Wyatt Earp, his brothers, and a gang of local criminals, left three people dead and cemented a legacy for the aptly named town of Tombstone.

Today, Tombstone, Arizona is a popular tourist destination, thanks in large part to the attraction of the O.K. Corral. Along with being a preserved memory of one of the Wild West’s most well-known showdowns, the O.K. Corral may also still be haunted by the events of that day.
But might you really see the ghost of a gunslinger on your trip to Tombstone?
Timeline of O.K. Corral's History
Swipe or use timeline points to see O.K. Corral through the years

Before there could be a bloody gunfight in Tombstone, Arizona, there first had to be a Tombstone, Arizona. In the late 1870s, silver deposits discovered in the area led to a massive population boom. Tombstone was founded in 1879, and quickly swelled in size as prospectors and their families flocked in. Criminals moved to the area along with them, hoping to find fortune in robbery and cattle rustling. Though still a young and growing community, Tombstone soon gained a rough reputation.

By 1881, crime in Tombstone had become bad enough for a new team of lawmen to arrive in town: the Earps. Brothers Virgil and Wyatt Earp did what they could to quell lawlessness in the small town. But at that point, one particular gang of criminals plagued Tombstone: the Cochise County Cowboys. The conflict came to a head on October 26, 1881, when the Earps, along with Doc Holliday, approached a group of Cowboys outside the O.K. Corral. The ensuing gunfight left three Cowboys dead, and made both the Earps and Holliday Wild West legends.

Though popularized as the ‘gunfight at the O.K. Corral,’ the actual skirmish took place in an empty lot beside the actual corral. But in the years since the 30 second battle, the incident has been forever associated with the O.K. Corral itself. The Earps departure from Tombstone in 1882 effectively ended the enduring saga in the town, and the O.K. Corral burned down shortly after. It was quickly rebuilt, and over time became a legendary piece of Arizona history.

As Viril and Wyatt Earp’s exploits in Tombstone began to be written about and shared across America, their bloody fight in Tombstone became a cornerstone of Wild West lore. By the late-20th century, the O.K. Corral was a major tourist stop for everyone interested in the Old West. And both the gunfight site and Tombstone as a whole remain popular attractions today. Just don’t be surprised if you encounter a ghostly gunfighter or two on your visit. Tombstone lore suggests the corral is forever haunted by the events of that day in 1881.
Is O.K. Corral Haunted?
Though best known for the gunfight between the Earps, Holliday, and the Cowboys, that wasn’t the only gun battle at the O.K. Corral.
Another, lesser known showdown took place there in 1897, and the victim of that shooting now purportedly haunts the area. Jim Burnett, a local justice of the peace, ended up in a dispute with another local, William Greene, in the summer of 1897. The dispute ended with Greene gunning Burnett down as he sat outside of the O.K. Corral smoking his pipe.

Ever since, the area has purportedly been haunted by Burnett’s ghostly figure. Jim Burnett’s ghost is best identified by his apparition’s hair, or rather lack thereof.
Burnett’s ghost is apparently bald, with only a black and white beard. And if you ever see him, don’t try to approach to get a closer look. His spirit is known for disappearing the second anyone attempts to get close to him.
The Hat-Wearing Haunting
While Jim Burnett is the most vivid apparition noted around the O.K. Corral today, he’s far from the only one. Another well-known specter around the corral is an unknown shadow figure with a wide-brimmed hat.
Though nobody knows this hat-wearing haunter’s identity, they’re thought to be a remaining entity from the 1881 gunfight.

Oddly, this figure is regularly seen lingering in doorways close to the corral, rather than around the actual gunfight site nearby.
Though the hat-wearing ghost doesn’t linger at the gunfight site, there are apparently many other shadowy figures that do. Visitors sometimes spot figures of lawmen and Cowboys patrolling the area, forever searching for each other.

The Corral’s Creepy Sounds
Along with seeing apparitions, visitors to the O.K. Corral might also hear some ghostly sounds, the most common report being the sound of horses. Unlike the modern horses that slowly trot carriages through town, the corral’s phantom horses can be heard galloping in with intensity.
Though people report hearing the sound of galloping horses converging on the building, no paranormal steeds ever appear. Could these be the sounds of the gunfighters, rushing back from the dead for another battle?

Get Chills on Your Trip to Tombstone
Despite many of the haunted happenings around the O.K. Corral focusing closer to the actual site of the gunfight, some unexplained things have been reported inside the corral itself. Most of the time, visitors and workers around the corral run into sudden cold spots.
These cold spots can even supposedly be encountered in the heat of summer, when the desert town of Tombstone would otherwise be baking hot. Might these unexplainable chills be the ghost in the wide brimmed hat, finally exploring beyond the corral’s doorways?
Wild West Wraiths at O.K. Corral
The O.K. Corral today is much more focused on its historic happenings than any ghostly claims. The building is now part of the O.K. Corral Historic Complex, a museum complex that hosts regular gunfight reenactments and other programs around the old corral.
Given their packed schedule of regular historic events, you won’t find much in terms of ghost tours or ghost hunts.

But, that doesn’t mean you won’t find any ghosts.
Many of O.K. Corral’s paranormal claims stem from visitors’ experiences during tours and reenactments. So though you can’t go hunting for ghosts around the O.K. Corral, perhaps you can still spot a spirit hunting for their next shootout.