Is Billie Creek Village Haunted?

Billie Creek Village

This old town museum in Indiana may be haunted by the ghosts its buildings brought to the land

Haunted Happenings at
Billie Creek Village

  • Shadow figures reportedly wander the grounds
  • Phantom footsteps are heard
  • Disembodied voices are heard at times
  • Apparitions are seen in certain buildings
  • Visitors sometimes photograph possible ghostly figures lingering around the town
  • Uneasy feelings have been encountered by visitors

Billie Creek Village:
A Collection of History

Did you know there is a supposedly haunted ghost town in central Indiana? And what if you heard that, despite being filled with centuries of collective history, the town is less than 60 years old?

If you find yourself intrigued by this enigmatic little town, and the ghosts purportedly held within, then you should make your way to Billie Creek Village in Rockville, Indiana.

Built out of historic homes, shops, barns, and bridges from throughout central Indiana, Billie Creek Village is made to be an immersive and educational museum village.

But as folks delve deep into the history held in the small town, some start to encounter the sights and sounds of the town as if it were abuzz with activity. This has led some people to believe each of Billie Creek’s buildings came with ghosts to populate the little town.

Timeline of Billie Creek Village's History

Swipe or use timeline points to see Billie Creek Village through the years


Through the 1950s and the 1960s, Rockville, Indiana, along with the rest of Parke County, started expanding its cultural entertainment. In 1957, it hosted its first ‘Covered Bridge Festival’ to celebrate a few remaining covered bridges in the region and bring in crowds. In the early 1960s, Rockville also became home to the Parke County Maple Fair. But it wasn’t long before townsfolk wanted a way to keep visitors coming year-round. In the mid-60s, a plan formed: built a whole new town.


Parke County residents resolved to build a new town of old buildings and structures from historic areas of the county. Slowly but surely, a general store, a church, barns, houses, and even covered bridges made their way to a plot of land just outside Rockville. Finally, in 1969, the town opened to the public as Billie Creek Village. Though it started off with relatively few exhibits, the town continued to grow through building donations and other relocated structures.


Through the rest of the 20th century, Billie Creek Village served as a picturesque, park-style museum space, offering countless educational programs and tours to the surrounding county. Schools did field trips, historians visited from afar, and locals spent time on scenic walks through the town. By the early 2000s, the museum town was running into hard times. Original volunteers had left, and the growth slowed. In 2005, Billie Creek narrowly avoided demolition. A few years after that, the town went dark completely and was left dormant.


Across the 2010s, attempts were made to breathe new life into Billie Creek, but all failed. For a while, Billie Creek seemed destined to fade away into the forest. But then, in 2022, a new management team finally brought the village back. Since reopening, locals continue to enjoy the views and education offered by the little village. Visitors come from far off to explore claims of ghostly activity in the village. So though it’s coming back to life, Billie Creek might be more of a ‘ghost town’ today than it has ever been before.

Is Billie Creek Village Haunted?

Despite only opening in the late 1960s, Billie Creek Village is steeped in generations of history, thanks to its eclectic collection of old buildings.

Today, Billie Creek’s 30+ structures include a general store, a church, several restored covered bridges, a bank, a doctor’s office, a former Indiana Governor’s house, and countless others. Each building was painstakingly moved to Billie Creek and rebuilt. Could it be that ghosts have clung to the structures through it all? Plenty of visitors will tell you: yes!

A Whole Village of Ghosts

Many paranormal reports around Billie Creek don’t tell of ghosts that will leap out and scare you. Instead, the specters in the village seem to be more focused on being villagers.

Shadow figures are often spotted but they don’t seem to pay modern visitors too much attention. Many claims involve seeing these figures out of the corner of the eye, only for them to disappear in a flash.

Others who have been lucky enough to get a direct look at the village’s mysterious figures see them saunter from place-to-place and building-to-building. It’s like they’re going about life in the town, as if it was always their home.

The wandering specters sure help set the atmosphere of Billie Creek as a true town, more than just a conglomeration of regional buildings.

Phantom Footsteps Run Through Town

Disembodied footsteps are another common claim of ghostly happenings around the area. Just like the shadowy figures, the footsteps don’t seem to chase anyone or aim to scare. They’re said to be much like the noises of footsteps simply traversing town, like a ghost running errands from store-to-store before heading off to church.

You might have the best luck hearing the footsteps in one of the town’s covered bridges, as the roof reverberates the sound through the tunnel-like bridge. Going right along with footsteps, some visitors have heard ghostly voices carrying on the wind. Given that the ghosts of Billie Creek seem to like going about their days like any other town, maybe this is just the gossip and small talk of any other day around town?

Billie Creek’s Ghostly Figures

Along with figures wandering the streets and footsteps tracing the village’s paths, ghosts are encountered in a few of the buildings as well. The general store in particular has become known as a hotbed of haunted happenings. Vivid apparitions have been known to appear in a few of the town’s buildings, either working or shopping through.

A few lucky visitors have claimed to capture images of these mysterious figures on photos taken around the village, including one that purportedly showed a child’s figure lingering in a schoolhouse doorway. Of course, ghostly children still attending school go right along with the rest of the Billie Creek activity: just ghosts in a ghost town, going about their days.

Ghost Hunting at Billie Creek Village

All of the ghost stories that have come out of Billie Creek Village in recent years have led to a spike in interest from ghost hunters and paranormal enthusiasts. Numerous groups of people now rent out Billie Creek for a night, hoping to experience and record the supposed paranormal activity.

The result thus far has been numerous additional reports of activity, both throughout the town and in specific buildings, though the reports you hear might vary from YouTube stream to TikTok video.

Some encounter the classic ghostly goings-on of the town, while others swear they’ve run into sinister entities lingering about. Most people’s only report of negative activity is the occasional uneasy feeling, or a sense of being watched.

Billie Creek Village:
Historical and Haunting

Billie Creek Village today is in a state of renewal and growth. Since reopening, the village has welcomed regular tours as well as ghost hunters. They’ve also opened up to parties, weddings, and other events. It also still plays a major role in Parke County’s Covered Bridge Festival each year.

Though it has its varied uses today, Billie Creek Village makes its ghostly lore, and folks interested in it, a cornerstone of its offerings. The village offers numerous public ghost hunts throughout the year, and makes it easy to book a private investigation right from their website.

Energetic ghost hunters can even make a whole weekend out of ghostly happenings in Rockville, as Billie Creek Village is just a short distance from the purportedly haunted Indiana State Sanatorium. It’s also just a short distance from the ghost stories of the Old Jail Inn in downtown Rockville.

Did the 1960s townsfolk who resolved to bring year-round tourists to Rockville plan on ghosts being the main attraction? Probably not. But regardless, they succeeded. Billie Creek and the rest of Rockville are quickly becoming synonymous with paranormal activity. And the dead are doing wonders to bring life into the region.